Orderly, systematic list/ schedule of business items to be discussed at a meeting. 将会议上所要讨论的商业问题,有顺序地,系统地列出表。
With the project being created and the Business Items defined, the process model needs to be drawn ( with its individual tasks, connections and data input/ output types). 创建完项目并定义了业务项目之后,需要进行流程模型的绘制(利用该流程的单个任务、连接及数据输入、输出类型)。
First, create a freeform diagram and then drag all the items found in the Business Items and Processes packages into the diagram. 首先,创建一个自由格式的图表,然后将BusinessItems和Processes包中的所有条目拖动到该图表之中。
You can then create business items, which contain aliases. 然后可以创建包含别名的业务项。
The Loan Application process asset depends on several business items and resources and is a part of the QuickstartFinance project. LoanApplication过程资产依赖于几个业务项和资源,而且它属于QuickstartFinance项目。
The business items are created and added to an existing data catalog. 创建业务项目并将其添加到现有的数据目录中。
Business items need to be defined at a more detailed level with attributes. 需要在更详细的级别使用属性对业务项进行定义。
The attachment is added at the process level; you cannot attach files to other constructs such as roles business items. 附件是在流程级别添加的;您不能将文件附加到诸如角色和业务项等其他构造。
Create the business items. 创建业务项目。
We step through how to create business items, business item templates, and business item instances. 我们一步步地来看一下如何创建业务条目、业务条目模板和业务条目实例。
For each XML schema, one data catalog is created, and the content of the schema is mapped to elements of the data catalog, such as business items and templates. 对于每个XMLschema,创建了一个数据目录,并且该schema的内容被映射到数据目录的元素中去,比如业务条目和模板。
Select both business items in the project view. 在项目视图中选择两个业务项。
Business analyst imports the generated XSD as business items. 业务分析师将生成的XSD作为业务项导入。
The process of associating business items with local repositories is done in the same way. 联合业务条目同局部存储库的过程是通过同样的方式。
A business process has related business items ( data) that flow through it, including those used as the process 'input and output. 业务流程具有贯穿其中的相关业务项目(数据),包括作为流程的输入和输出使用的项目。
In our example, business items consist of an Order and a CreditCard. 在本实例中,业务项目包括Order和CreditCard。
Business items or instances can be associated with the connections from task to task. 业务条目或者实例在任务之间可以同连接联合起来。
Two consecutive tasks in a business model may use different business items as the output and input. 业务模型中的两个连续任务可以使用不同的业务项作为输出和输入。
Business items represent the business concepts and entities in an enterprise. 业务项目代表企业中业务的概念和实体。
Business items could be a business document, work product, or commodity that is either produced by a task or process ( such as an invoice), or causes a process to start ( such as a customer inquiry). 业务项可以是业务文档、工作成果,或者是任务或流程的产物(例如一张发票),或者可以启用某一流程的活动(例如客户查询)。
Business items associated with tasks and connections 与任务以及连接相关的业务条目
The model should consist of several processes within an end-to-end process, and the business items that are used by those processes. 该模型应该在一个端到端流程中包含几个流程,并且业务项应该用于这些流程。
We'll use these business items in creating the monitor set. 我们将使用这些业务项目来创建监测集。
You then can associate the business items with the connections. 这时,您可以将业务条目同连接联合起来。
The creation of a data catalog is optional; otherwise you can create the data models in a default Business items data catalog that WebSphere Business Integration provides. 数据目录的创建是可选的;另外,您可以在WebSphereBusinessIntegration提供的默认的Businessitems数据目录中创建数据模型。
The inputs and outputs should be identified in terms of the business items ( that is, the business domain entities such as person, customer, and so on). 应该使用业务项(即业务域实体,如员工、客户等)对输入和输出进行标识。
These attributes could be simple types ( for example, String, Integer, and Boolean) or could be business items from the same or a different data catalog. 这些属性可以是简单类型(例如,String,Integer和Boolean)或者是来自相同或不同的数据目录中的业务条目。
All business items have a name and description, and can be expanded to include key attributes that are important to understanding the content of that business item. 所有业务项目都有一个名称和说明,可以扩展为包含一些关键属性,这些属性对于理解业务项目的内容很重要。
Because LDMs tend to be more complete than business items, with more fields or properly normalized entities. 由于LDM一般比业务项更加完整,具有更多字段或正确标准化的实体。
There shall be suitable space for the business items and the people engaged; 有与经营项目、活动人员容量相适应的场地;